Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

deep thought #1

despite the "stop snitching" movement starting in Baltimore, the most popular player for the Ravens, and arguably the player with the most street credibility, is currently still playing in the NFL because he snitched on two friends to avoid a murder trial.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

random lines #1

blinds of cascading light
reprise their role, pushing me
towards the ill-lit corners
of my conscious mind

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

sex in the 21st century

article on ny mag sex diaries. interesting to read. a lot of experiences are very distinctly new york. others more universal. some are hoping for love and a bit inspiring, struggling through similar struggles, seemingly out of place in Gen Y, sexy and interesting and taking post-feminism in an appropriate direction, taking it maybe a bit too far, and one who is almost beyond description, a quintessential spoiled, upper-class, entitled brat rich kid living in NYC.

and one that i think i'm in love with.